Search results for apachesolr_search/New Metrics

477 Results

Mobile Today: Time to Explore, Experiment, and Evaluate

AdMonsters connected with Jo Rabin, Director of MobileMonday London to get his take on the state of mobile advertising. Jo will analyze current mobile trends and discuss successful strategies for mobile in his keynote, "Mobile Is Not the Future. It's Now." at the upcoming AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Oxford from…

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Mobile industry moves to earn its place at the top table

This exclusive mobile coverage is brought to you by AdMonsters OPS Mobile. Register today for OPS Mobile, AdMonsters' mobile advertising conference, which will be held December 7, 2011 in New York. Mobile has been dubbed the ‘holy grail’ of advertising given that it is already the most ubiquitous multimedia device…

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The Massive Opportunity in Twitter’s In-stream Ad Plan

For most of us in the social media space, the big news coming out Cannes last month had nothing to do with awards or lavish cocktail parties. Rather, the biggest story was that Twitter plans to introduce advertising directly into user Tweet streams, possibly as soon as two months from…

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The Rise of the Custom Creative

When you visit the homepage for Aol’s Project Devil, there’s a catchphrase across the top that immediately grabs you: "There’s no reason webpages should look the same as they did 15 years ago." I've never met a publisher who would disagree, but it wasn’t until recently that we saw any…

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Iggy Fanlo of adBrite Discusses Online Video Advertising

Last week, adBrite, an independent ad exchange, won a Stevie Award for the Most Innovative Company of the Year based on its 2010 launch of video pre-roll ad units. AdMonsters asked adBrite's CEO, Iggy Fanlo, a few questions about online video advertising, video standards like VAST and VPAID, video ad…

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The 5 Reasons RTB is less important than you think

All the hype in the display advertising industry has been around real time bidding for the last several years, and rightly so. Finding audiences with precision (cheaply) is marketing nirvana and, with all of the startup companies willing to work their tails off to make their “platforms” work for advertisers,…

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Microsoft Unveils NUads: Interactive Ad Product at Cannes

On Tuesday at the Cannes International Advertising Festival, Microsoft introduced their NUads product - an ad product for that works with Xbox Kinect. That means users can interact with advertising via voice command and movement.AdMonsters asked Ginny Musante, Director of Marketing, Xbox LIVE Advertising, Microsoft, a few questions about this…

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IAB Innovation Days at Internet Week

Last week I attended the IAB Innovation Days event as part of Internet Week here in New York. Here are some of the highlights from the two day event.Emotion in AdvertisingRoss Levinsohn of Yahoo! and Neal Mohan of Google talked about how as an industry we are not connecting with…

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Component Level Real-User Monitoring

GhostWriter lets you prioritize when and how you load third-party content, like ads. Your users see what they’re looking for sooner which increases engagement and improves your search engine rankings.One of the ways it does this is by introducing a smarter replacement for the standard document.write method. Couple this intelligent…

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