March 15, 2018
The Next Stage of Social Strategy: A Q&A With Claudia Page of Dailymotion (Part 1)
Facebook's algorithm changes (and public statements) have publishers scrambling to retool the way the platform fits with their business strategy. But let's not panic yet: Claudia Page, Dailymotion's VP, Product and Partner Development, tells Gavin Dunaway about how the industry has been down some similar paths already, and how Facebook's changes stand to push pubs to get smarter about audience development.
Inside the Buy Side: Catching Up With Gabe Greenberg of GABBCON
We keep hearing about how badly the digital media industry needs more conversations between the buy side and the sell side... so we decided to start one ourselves. We asked Gabe Greenberg, agency/marketing lifer, industry advisor, and CEO/Co-Founder of the GABBCON conference, to share perspectives from his extensive buy-side network. First up, he told Brian LaRue about how buyers are approaching sell-side consolidation, brand safety and blockchain.
Cooking With Anarchy at Blockchain Xplore
Gavin Dunaway went to the recent Blockchain Xplore conference in New York a couple weeks ago, and here's what he saw and heard. For one thing, blockchain technology is being rolled out seemingly in a parallel way to how the internet was. For another, the need to clean house in their Ads.txt files could present publishers a way to get in on the blockchain action.
Top Stories
The Spring 2018 Publisher Forum is a wrap, but the lively discussion goes on. We take a look at how some of those discussions—specifically, how to talk with the buy side about brand safety, and how to take action to avoid the GDPR-empowered wrath of E.U. regulators—played out last week.
Brand safety is a hot topic again (or is it "still?"). Part of what's complicated about brand safety is that it encompasses a whole set of issues—and also, what's top-of-mind for publishers in this discussion isn't always the same as what's top-of-mind for brands and marketers. Adam Moser of Hulu shares thoughts on how to adjust the discussion to keep key ideas from being lost in translation.
We all know Google plans to sunset DSM in 2019, and their publisher clients need a game plan for getting set up with a new OMS. Jessica Titmus of the Washington Post shares advice on managing that OMS migration, looking at the Post's experiences migrating from DSM to Operative.

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