August 9, 2018
Choose Wisely: Crucial Criteria for Selecting an Ad Quality Provider

It's not your imagination—most malvertising attacks do happen over weekends. Bad actors hope to catch ops when its guard is down, so the gatekeepers must always be vigilant. A robust ad-quality solution is an essential tool for a publisher, but finding the right one requires a great deal of due diligence. Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway assembles criteria that will aid you in your search for a true ally in the battle against bad advertising.


The False Audience-Content Dichotomy
Choose audience. Choose content. But wait, it's 2018—do media buyers really only get to pick one or the other? No, they shouldn't have to, writes Michael Hans. However, quality issues both in data and content have been holding us back from reaching the true potential of programmatic advertising; the time is right to overcome them.
What Is Supply-Path Optimization?

It's almost time for Publisher Forum Portland, and supply path optimization (SPO) is going to be high on many attendees' minds. Who decides on which DSPs and exchanges to go through—agencies or publishers? Should pubs be leading this dance or following the agency lead? And how do you negotiate with DSPs anyway? Perhaps you need a good refresher on SPO before heading to the conference (or watching the #PubForum hashtag from your office).


Top Stories
With Google's DoubleClick Sales Manager riding off into the sunset in 2019, OMS migration is high on the minds of publishers across the digital mediascape. (We've even got a commiseration session about it at PubForum Portland in a few weeks.) Migration management is all about reducing pain, and nothing quite avoids pain-clusters like a good schedule. Check out this timeline template shared by PGA Tour and see if you're inspired... Or at least, less gloomy.
If you want to see veins pop in your mobile developer’s head, just tell him or her you’ve got five new SDKs to integrate stat. Many a programmatic mobile in-app deal has evaporated at the very mention of the dreaded SDK. But what if you could on-board a native demand partner and bypass the need for an SDK? Well, Rick Welch, Head of Programmatic for Flipboard, has a story for you...
We know some of you are still patting yourselves on the back for coming out the other end of the GDPR launch unscathed, but this is ad tech, folks—the next crisis is always coming sooner than you expect. The sunsetting of Google's order management system DSM means an order management system migration is in the cards for a whole lotta publishers. Have you picked a new provider and drawn up a plan for moving over? Well, good thing we've got a roadmap to help you out.
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