February 23, 2022
Why Capitalizing on User Experience Is Key to a Sustainable Video & Revenue Growth Strategy
With steady increases in consumer streaming hours, creating engaging video content that excites and delights users and doesn’t interrupt their experience is paramount. Johanna Bergqvist, VP of Strategic Partnerships, Ex.co talked to us about leveraging user experience strategies into higher CPMs and inventory value to build credibility and trust with your audience who will be more inclined to subscribe to your paywall or newsletter because they recognize the value of consuming more relevant content. Read more.
Are You Prepared to Thrive in a Cookieless World?
When Google postponed killing off third-party cookies, it gave advertisers and publishers some breathing room. But that doesn’t mean that the advertising ecosystem is now completely challenge-free. Top of mind for the entire advertising ecosystem: data, privacy, and trust. These areas will have major implications as the ad tech industry seeks unified identity solutions to solve for a cookieless future. Read more.
What Is a Data Clean Room?
A data clean room is a secure, protected environment that enables two or more parties to bring data together for joint analysis with privacy, security, and governance rules in place. Data clean rooms are the future of data collaboration, but they’re not a new idea. Read more.
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In late October 2019, I authored an AdMonsters article with a list of existing, new, and soon-to-launch streaming services showing how they fit into the OTT ecosystem. Then, Covid-19 arrived and the migration that might have taken years took place in months. Now 53% of video viewing on all devices according to eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence is on CTVs. This will provide an update on CTV growth, a revised roster of CTV players, and what it means for Ad Ops. Read more.
If you're running programmatic advertising, and almost everyone is, you have an ads.txt file in place on your website and it is likely something you update at least from time to time. But do you really understand the mechanics behind the file and what you as a publisher should be doing to maintain the quality of advertising on your site? Publishers that don’t truly understand, how it works, don’t evaluate addition requests by buyers, and/or don’t take the time to maintain the file, could be facing invalid ads.txt entries. Read more.
In a recent survey, 76% of publishers said user experience on their sites has been impacted by ad quality challenges, and 66% report that poor ad quality has negatively affected their revenue. Poor ad quality can encompass an array of unwanted ad types from sexually explicit/offensive and politically polarizing to clickbait and deceptive offers. Read more.
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