November 29, 2018
What Is Cryptojacking?
The spread of bad ads is pretty bad in general, but since 2017— throughout the security software industry — cryptojacking has been known as the Evil Overlord (most menacing and most prevalent) of all cyber threats. Hackers looking to get rich quick from mining cryptocurrency illegally are the culprits, and they’re injecting bad javascript code into websites, mobile apps, videos and advertising to take over users’ device power to do so. Read on to learn more about those pesky miners.
The State Of Ad Operations 2018
There are plenty problems to be solved in the ad operations world, including issues like IVT, bad ads, malware, and much, much more. So at every Publisher Forum, we bring together all of the noobs (yes, I meant first-time attendees), put them into small workgroups, and open the gates for discussion and collaboration. Here's their take on some of the most pressing issues in ad ops—along with a few ways to solve them. Read more here.
Ad Ops Is a Thankless Job, But Thanks Anyway
Paraphrasing Rob Norman, formerly of WPP, Rob Beeler, Chairman of Admonsters says, "advertising is about trying to make the magic of a creative thought and use to technology measure how magical it was." Here's his take on ad ops as we head into Q4 madness. Read more.
Top Stories
Professor Bob Pearson, former Chief Innovation Officer at W2O Group and current Senior Advisor, kicked off the Publisher Forum in Austin last week with a comprehensive keynote detailing the concepts of Storytizing—moving beyond campaigns to true cross-media engagement—and Audience Architecture—an advanced model for deriving insights from user bases. However, his biggest takeaway from spending time at the PubForum was that the people he was speaking to will lead the next wave of innovation in digital media. Read his thoughts here.
Publisher Forum Austin was about "Defining the Future of Digital Media" in Austin. Monday's keynote from Bob Pearson, senior advisor, W2O group taught us that the future of advertising might rest on taking earned and shared media into true consideration to better understand how audiences work and how we should reach them. On Tuesday, Si Brown, Founder, and CEO of Skignz, told publishers talked about a new opportunity for advertising revenue in augmented reality. Read on for the live-Tweet recap.
Back when Google announced that the melding of DFP and AdX was complete and Google Ad Manager (GAM to those who know it best... Well, really still DFP) was born, we were skeptical that a new monster had arrived on the publisher-side monetization scene. Well, from what we heard at the Publisher Forum in Austin last week, GAM is a less a monster and more a feral beast that is challenging publisher revenue specialists in rather surprising ways—for starters, compiling reports is quite difficult. Read about more issues.
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