October 25, 2018
Mobile Traffic Boom Sort of Good News for Publishers
Worried that mobile traffic's rise will decrease desktop revenue? It just might, but there are definitely loads of opportunities -- like working with news aggregators and social networks -- to make up for the loss while meeting your audience on their mobile-first journey. Read more on your preferred device.
From Hype to Reality: How Blockchain Is Already Bringing Transparency to Advertising
Were you worried that blockchain was all hat and no cattle? Look again—the decentralized ledger is disrupting the payments landscape while also overhauling reconciliation. At the same time, Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson points out a huge (but surmountable) challenge: speed. Get back on the blockchain here.
PubForum Gonna Mess With Texas

When Rob Beeler is shining his cowboy boots and getting his 10-gallon restored, you best believe the AdMonsters Publisher Forum is headed to Texas real soon. The Austin event is just two weeks away and because everything is bigger in the Lone Star State, we were able to squeeze in some extra seats for worthy publishers. Are you down to discuss programmatic markets, regulations, viewability, and new revenue opportunities while eating brisket and riding mechanical bulls? Well, you better saddle up quick, partner—the herd won't wait!

Top Stories
Our new Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson dives into the "Principles for a Better Programmatic Marketplace," an open letter to the industry from six exchanges that seems to grant programmatic buyers all their transparency wishes—fee transparency, no hidden auction machinations, traffic filtered for IVT... We're surprised they didn't throw a pony in there. The document is notable for who didn't sign it, but beyond that there's also the question of whether it will truly placate buyers... Or if anything can.
Speaking of transparency—or the lack thereof—plenty of questions linger around the FBI raiding a major holding company's offices as it steps up its investigation into rebates and kickbacks in digital advertising. Gabe Greenberg suggests that if we're going to circle the wagons as the g-men close in, the industry should take the initiative to embrace technology that provides transparency across the supply chain—and demonstrate we are able to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse on our own.
Has Rob Beeler only been at AdMonsters for 10 years? It seems like he has always been the caretaker... As he scratches notch no. 10 on his AdMonsters belt, he takes a moment to contemplate how the industry has developed over the last decade. Spoiler alert: today's digital media landscape is not what he anticipated at all.
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