Tracking in an opt-out world

May 19, 2011—3:30 pm

About the Session

Topic: Tracking in an opt out world

The momentum to give consumers online protection of their data may effectively end third party tracking. What impact will this have on how advertising is bought and sold? Who is best positioned to gain from legislation and where does operations fit into this puzzle? Eric Picard will outline our industry’s options as we head into a marketplace driven by privacy concerns.


About the Speaker

Eric PicardEric Picard
Chief Product Officer

Eric is a Microsoft veteran and founder of Bluestreak. He brings over 14 years of industry experience to his role at TRAFFIQ. An advertising platform specialist, Picard is known as a thought leader in advertising technology. He was instrumental in the early development of many of today’s standard technologies. Picard has been the catalyst behind numerous groundbreaking technology innovations across such diverse areas as rich media advertising, 3rd party ad serving, mobile advertising, automated creative optimization, video advertising, local advertising, ad exchanges and real-time bidding, paid search, and advertising in software applications, among others.